“What books are on your nightstand?”

This is one of my favorite quotes asked of new members at our home church. You are what you eat, right?

Here’s a look at my virtual nightstand.*

Just ‘cuz I read it doesn’t mean I ascribe to everything in it. Test everything in light of Scripture.

  • A solid read, available in English and Spanish, from Abner Chou. Profesor Chou has given classes to two of my sons at the Master’s University. This is a text book for SEPE’s Hermeneutics II course.

  • That is one of the central themes of Deuteronomy: 'God has spoken, and you must obey'. That has not changed in the least. If the God of the universe has spoken, His creatures must listen and obey- whether and to what extent we de so defines our relationship with Him.

    -Sugel Michelén From and Before God, pg 18

  • "Once the Lord uproots, tears down, destroys, and overthrows a nation there is not much left. There is a great deal of that kind of judgement in the rest of Jeremiah's book. This verse is not only Jeremiah's job description, it is also a plot summary of this book...But grace will have the last word. When the cities of evil have been torn down and plowed under, God will start afresh. He will begin a new work. He will 'build' and 'plant'. He will bring renewal out of demolition."

    -Philip Ryken, pg 26-27, from Preaching the Word commentary on Jeremiah

  • “This definition indicates that systematic theology involves collecting and understanding all the relevant passages in the Bible on various topics and then summarizing their teachings clearly so that we know what to believe about the topic".

    — Wayne Grudem, pg. 21, Systematic Theology

  • "You can recruit people with your gifting, but you’ll keep them with your humility. You’re not perfect. No one expects you to be. So acknowledge that by being the chief repenter in the church."

    An Appeal for Humble Leaders Essay, by Adam Muhtaseb