Living a life that pleases the Lord

Spring 2025 Study: I Thessalonians

WHEN: Each Wednesday night in March and April, approximately 9 weeks. Study will be from 7:00-8:30pm, with dinner nights starting at 6:00PM

WHERE: Rotating homes, which gives opportunities to extend Gospel hospitality! (schedule will be posted on this nifty web site)

First one, March 5th: at the OG Allens’ home in Rancho Bernardo

11403 Matinal Cir, San Diego 92127 

WHAT: Each week, we will work through and study the epistle of I Thessalonians. We will also either begin or end each evening´s study time with a brief time of prayer for one another. This practice is clearly exemplified in Paul´s letters to the church at Thessalonica. 

WHY: The letters to the Thessalonians address important topics such as holy living, life in a world hostile to the Gospel, and the hope we have in resurrection and the imminent return of our Savior Jesus Christ. Each week, we will provide some prompts for study and conversation to help us understand and apply God´s Word to our lives, both individually and corporately. 

WHO: Any who earnestly desire to deepen their knowledge of the Bible, to grow in their affections for Christ, and to fellowship with other saints. It is possible that the group may comprise friends from other churches with differing systematic theologies. Together, we will seek to rightly divide and apply the Word of God, while bearing with one another in areas where we may disagree. As both I and II Thessalonians include Paul informing the church on matters pertaining to Christ´s return, the resurrection of the dead, and signs of the times, conversations around eschatology are likely. As such, humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit for wisdom is needful. We also desire to use this study time as a tool for Evangelism and sharing the Gospel. Interestingly, I Thessalonians shows Paul referring to the Gospel of Christ as our Gospel, and he rejoices that the people their received this Gospel with power and through Holy Spirit. Would it not be amazing if our 8 weeks in this book would allow us, through the Holy Spirit, to see others come to faith in our Gospel?

Preparing to Dig In

  • Setting the Stage

    The Bible Project offers a helpful overview on the context to the book of I Thessalonians that we will dig in to together. Since none of us can draw or storytell like these guys, it’s worth a watch.

  • Mapping it Out

    Here is a link to a downloadable map of Paul’s 2nd missionary journey. This will provide useful historical, geographical, and even political context on Paul’s message to the original audience.

  • Praying it up

    Just as Paul did in his ministry, there is a need for us to pray night and day that God, through His Word and His Holy Spirit, would render us pleasing to Him. As we are meeting weekly, let’s pray daily for one another.

 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”

— I Thessalonians 5:23-24

  1. Week 1 Questions: March 5

  2. Week 2 Questions: March 12

  3. Week 3 Questions: March 19

  4. Week 4 Questions: March 26

  5. Week 5 Questions: April 2

  6. Week 6 Questions: April 16 (note: no group on 04/09)

  7. Week 7 Questions: April 23

  8. Week 8 Questions: April 30

Cannot make it in person? Microsoft Teams Link for 7:00PM Pacific start time: